Our mission is simple. Enrich the lives of those around us By generous donation of the Zohar to libraries across the U.S.A. and to individuals.

Here’s some of the people we’ve helped

  • "Actually out of words on how cool the book is"

    Zohar Recepient (Los Angeles, CA)

  • "I got it!! Thank you so much. I can't wait to read it"

    Zohar Recepient (Topeka KS)

  • "I Truly feel like this wasn't by coincidence. Thank you for being the link that gets me back to my spirit."

    - Zohar Recepient (West Frankfort IL)

Growing by the day

One of the problems we aim to solve is to bridge the gap. To make the Zohar as accessible and available to as many people across the U.S. as possible. To this point we’ve focused on donations to both individuals and Public Libraries. Every Zohar donated makes a difference.

For 2025 our goal is donate 100 Zohars. We’re 10% of the way there. But we need your help!

Zohar Donations

Want to help?

  • Call your local library and politely ask them if they will accept a donation of the Pritzker Zohar. Most would be overjoyed to accept it.

  • Are you a content creator with an interest in Kabbalah or Esoteric Philosophy? Make videos regarding the subject.

  • Do you have a social media following? Great, help spread the word so others can get involved.

  • Even just gifting a copy to a friend goes a long way.


May 27th

Holiday Inn / Conference Center
Carbondale, IL

Come see a lecture on the Zohar May 27th at the Holiday Inn in Carbondale, IL. Topics covered will include

  • History of Kabbalah

  • Esoteric Analysis

  • Parallels between the Zohar and Modern Science

And much much more…